Getting Down To Work - Microsoft PowerPoint

1. PowerPoint®

1.23. Video Size

Most modern video recording and editing programs will allow you to compress your video.  Even short videos can be large in size if they are not compressed. 

Adding large videos to your presentation can slow it down and sometimes they will fail to load and play properly on other computers. 

You can check the size of video before you select it, by right-clicking on the video and choosing Properties from the menu. 

In the example that follows, the ten second video has been compressed and is very small - 455KB - but most videos will be longer and therefore larger. 

Keeping in mind that pictures and audio also add to the size of your Powerpoint® presentation, you can see that it is challenging to include a lot of video directly in the presentation. 

To get around this, it is possible to link to larger videos by inserting a hyperlink to a video that is playing on a sharing site such as YouTube.  (Make sure you have copyright permission to make this link).

If you know you will be connected to high-speed Internet during a presentation, you can embed the video into your PowerPoint® and it will stream directly from the website server.