Criteria for quality PowerPoint slides:design, lay out and format.

1. Introduction

Before planning your PowerPoint enhanced learning session and designing the PowerPoint slides you want to use in the session, you will have to think about

  • what should 'good' PowerPoint slides to be used in facilitation look like? and
  • when is it appropriate to use the "PowerPoint-slide"?
  • how should quality PowerPoint slides be used in facilitation?

You can now create slides using all the technical features, but this doesn’t mean you should use all of them on the slides you will create to facilitate learning.

When using PP-slides in facilitation they need obviously to be very well designed, be of high quality, (meet technical criteria). The slides also need to have an educational value, adding value to the learning experiences of the learners (meet pedagogical criteria).

It is important to note that even if you have a set of PowerPoint slides that are educationally relevant and of high design quality, if they are not used appropriately in a session they still might not be effective.