Your experiences with online (re)searching

Your experiences with online (re)searching

by Nyle Galvez -
Number of replies: 0
The primary issue that I dealt with was getting into LinkedIn as I did not wish to use an account there. I was able to get the relevant information via other means. When it comes to utilizing the online platforms used, it really goes to show how much information we put out ourselves even with just registering for a service or having others talk about you. In that sense, it is up to us as viewers to have multiple points of view when looking for information. This is because information about individuals can be put out on the internet by almost anyone, whether in a positive or negative light and, because of that, many people that only wish to see one point of view will limit themselves into an echo chamber. Personally, I am at times guilty of such things but, as times goes on, I am constantly reminded to always look for as much information, whether positive or negative, as possible before deciding whether something is close to the facts as possible.