Week 1 Reflection

Week 1 Reflection

by Victor Miranda -
Number of replies: 0

3: ideas from week 1 that are useful in your context/ teaching

Week 1 was very productive. I particularly liked the concept of one's digital footprints. Knowing the implications of one's digital footprints in reference to one's professional identity and overall image is important to note. 

2: things you will do as a result of what you learned in week 1

I'm very cautions now of what posts I share or what I post on my timeline. In addition, I have taken into account all privacy features on my social media accounts and ensure my data is private. 

1: question you have or 1 idea you want to follow up on

My main question is how to integrate digital footprints into the current school curriculum. To add, how to instil the importance of managing one's digital footprints to students and parents.