Digital Footprint Takeaways

Digital Footprint Takeaways

by Edna Flowers -
Number of replies: 1

A major takeaway from the video "TedX talk on Digital Footprints" is the challenges which may arise due to invasion of privacy. 

1. Our students become vulnerable every time they are utilizing the web and not being conscious of who is possibly tracking their footprints and what they aim to do with that information; for instance, it may be used for the sole purpose of cyberbullying. 

2. At this point in our student's lives, they may not be knowledgeable about the implications of their digital footprints; What they do now can have a lasting impact on their future, especially when seeking for a job and their prospective employer gains access to personal information posted in the past. 

3.  Students need to learn to maintain their private issues private; Once it is out there, it is difficult to delete 

In reply to Edna Flowers

Re: Digital Footprint Takeaways

by Shirly Coc -

I do agree that our students need to be more conscious of their activities online. Currently, there a lot of bullying happening with schools in Belize City where students pictures are being posted with mean things about them. 

I do think that as leaders and teachers, we need to instill in our students the importance of posting on social media and how this can affect their future. More businesses are using social media platforms to find out who they are hiring.