Reflection on Week 1

Reflection on Week 1

by Carlo Benavidez -
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3: ideas from week 1 that are useful in your context/ teaching

  • Knowing now that everyone has a Digital Identify formulated by the online profiles you create and the information others may share about you online, whether intentionally or unintentionally, one has to be careful about the information they put out in cyberspace about themselves. It is important for students to know how to properly manage their digital identify as false information could be damaging to person's persona or character.
  • A person's digital footprint or trace can also bring benefits or wreak havoc in someone's professional career. Teachers and students always have to be aware of the websites they visit, the types of phrases they search for in search engines, the materials they like on social media, the photos and videos they share on social media, and any media they access online as this could be tracked back and create a sort of "trail" that can be traced back and again damage someone's reputation and good standing at work or in school.
  • Being digitally literate is completely necessary nowadays as we see professionals like teachers working from home in this pandemic requiring the skills needed to access different educational platforms and applications. Of course this comes with some experience, but more and more we as educators need to put more effort into exploring and learning about these platforms/apps to use in our profession.

2: things you will do as a result of what you learned in week 1

- I will share with my students the importance of creating a good and clean digital identity.

- I will be more careful about the information I provide about myself on the internet for security purposes.

1: question you have or 1 idea you want to follow up on

- How can we make our students more aware of the fact that what you do online can be traced back to you and can have harmful consequences?