Reflecting back on week 1

Reflecting back on week 1

by Nyle Galvez -
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3: ideas from week 1 that are useful in your context/ teaching

  1. The importance of digital literacy in the age of constantly evolving computers and social media. Students should start from now to develop their digital literacy and maybe even before so as to come prepared for the consequences, both positive and negative, of using the internet and creating their digital footprints wherever they tread online.
  2. Digital footprints care not for age or whether a person now is different from the person before. In an age of digital media, where your present and past can be seen at the same time, people tend to look for the negative, even if that negative is 10 years in the past and that seems to be the trend for the future, sadly. Even as students, what you put online tends to stay with you in the future, especially now in an environment of constant information gathering and competition with everyone putting their thoughts out in the world.
  3. The idea of permanence in a constantly changing environment. We tend to see the flow of events constantly changing and reacting to it as if it is the only thing that matters not realizing the things we do, do not flow away like the events of the past. The events may change but the internet remembers.

2: Things you will do as a result of what you learned in week 1

  1. Monitor the footprints I leave personally, no matter how minimal.
  2. Stay up to date about the footprints others may leave about me and make sure the footprints I leave paint a clearer portrait of me that can stand up to any negative misgivings people might present.

1: Question you have or 1 idea you want to follow up on

  1. How are we, as teachers, able to have students understand the permanence of the internet and the importance of watching what they post without sounding like outdated harpies treading on an environment they grew up in?