Scenario Discussion

Scenario Discussion

by Edna Flowers -
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Donna's Vision

I feel that I can relate more to Donna's vision, as it seems more realistic for me, in my school's environment. 

I believe that Donna is showing a caring vision for the long term well being of her student; she envisions her students having greater control of their own learning, and I believe that this is the ideal vision for my students. 

I believe that Learning is a three way street, involving the teacher/Administration, the student and the parent. My administration did a very good job in involving all three parties in preparation to Digital Distance Learning by providing all parties with training and through the provision of training videos prior to the re-opening of school. So I do believe that my administration supports this type of change. Similarly, most students and parents are adapting to this change, since most of them have welcomed the tools provided to them. 

Even though the institution has played a vital role in this change, the less fortunate are mostly affected negatively, since Internet access or access to a  gadget may be their major barrier to this new digital era of learning. Everyone is affected, but those who are able to adapt or are willing to adopt the new change, will benefit positively. Nonetheless, it is the duty of the institution to carefully select appropriate resources and interactive teaching strategies to make learning more meaningful. 

Challenges will always exist, but as digital leaders, we need to learn to work collaboratively for the betterment of our institutions and the students, who are our major assets.