Reflection back on week 1

Reflection back on week 1

by Raul Correa -
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3: Ideas from week 1 that are useful in your context/ teaching

a)     I think the importance to follow mindfulness practices while being online for our own safety and well-being.

b)     I will teach my students the importance of our online behavior (behaving well and legally online) and follow netiquettes rules (not being rude to others, using appropriate language and contributing in a way that supports others).

c)     Lastly, the importance to be aware of what traces (digital footprints) we leave when we are online, and learn how to manage these in a way that makes us feel safe and comfortable online.

2: Things you will do as a result of what you learned in week 1

a)     Be more aware/careful of what tracks and traces I leave on the internet.

b)     Be careful when you register for online services or enter personal data.

1: Question you have or 1 idea you want to follow up on.

·       Which platform/social media is most suitable to create a professional identity?