Critical Evaluation of digital tool/resource

Critical Evaluation of digital tool/resource

by Victor Miranda -
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I have selected the online resource: Promote a business with online advertising provided by Google Africa. I selected this particular course because it would be of great interest and benefit to our students. It is often the case that students become entrepreneurs and are leaders in new and innovated business approaches. Therefore, these perspective entrepreneurs would benefit greatly from learning how to promote a business using online advertising. 

I have used the Berkeley guide to evaluate this course. 

  1. Authority - The authority of the online course: "Promote a business with online advertising"  is google specifically the "A Grow with Google Programme". 
  2. Purpose - The program was created to help users understand google's advertising plan and strategies. It is often the case the companies and small businesses rely on google to accurately list their websites during google searches by potential users. Due to google's popularity and recognition it is likely that business would get a boost in traffic through google's advertising plans. 
  3. Publication & format - The course was published on google's digitalskills course platform. The platform provides users with an easy and well organised platform to complete modules and an end-of-course assessment. To add, users enrolled in the course can track their progress through the course progress chart. 
  4. Relevance - The course is relevant to the curriculum used in the entrepreneurship course offered at OLMCHS. Students can be introduced to the basics of advertising via email, other websites, google ads, and the overall concept of digital advertising.  The scope of the course can be considered to be intermediate. 
  5. Date of publication - I was unable to determine a date of publication.
  6. Documentation - I was unable to determine any citations or documentation. 

Conclusion: Upon using the Berkeley guide to evaluate this course and conducting a thorough review I can conclude that I will be using a percentage of this course to provide students with the opportunity to explore the many online tools to advertise a business. It is important to research and identify these free online assets that offer competencies to the ever-growing e-business.