Digital Tool Evaluation

Digital Tool Evaluation

by Rosita Marin -
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I selected the course: Intro to Digital Well-being.

1.      Provided by Google Digital Garage.  To allow users the ability to work at their own space and improve their lives with free of cost sessions.

2.      This course allows users the opportunity to develop positive skills when interacting with technology.  It allows the user the ability to become aware of how and the purpose for their technology engagement and not allowing it to control their lives.  It is catered to anyone who is willing to manage and improve their relationship with technology.

3.      Users simply have to create and account and log in.  Then the platform keeps track of your progress and summarizes understanding with short quizzes.

4.      It will have a significant impact on digital wellbeing and time management in relation to technology usage.  This is to be achieved by the use of short videos to present content, and easy to implement tips which allows you to monitor progress.  Users are able to schedule their time when accessing technology and thus feel less overburdened by it.

5.    No publication date is made available.

6.      I believe that once I am able to keep track and schedule my time properly when using technology not only for school purposes but also for communication with family and friends and leisure; I will be able to achieve more.  I will feel in control and not overstressed by everything at once.