Final Reflection

Final Reflection

by Shirly Coc -
Number of replies: 0

At the start of this session, there were several items that I was a bit familiar with as I had signed up previously for a course on the C-Delta platform. Although I did not complete that course, being in this one made me more aware and made me get a better understanding of the terms that was mentioned in the modules. As an IT teacher, I feel that this course makes me better informed and more cautious of the decisions I make online, as well as it has given me the opportunity to use more tools I was introduced to.

Over the past two years, my school had increased the number of computers on campus. I was very excited since I knew this meant that more students would be able to access the internet especially for completing assignments. Although I did not have any training yet, I have always been very cautious of what I post and search for online. One of the main things I have been trying to instil in my students, is to be aware of the content they upload and share on social media, mainly because, as a Business Teacher too, and a former HR Assistant, I have seen how social media is used as a form of referencing for potential employees.

Since I was recommended for this course, I found it even more interesting since I knew someone would be available to guide us through this process. And once enrolled and attending meetings, I learnt various tools that would be able to assist me in my online sessions. I must say that the very first time I learnt about Mentimeter was during one of our live sessions. That same evening I went online to research and practice how to use it. The following day I was able to use this as a form of check-in activity with my students. I must say that I believe the tools we were introduced to has helped me greatly in my lessons.

I look forward to train other teachers at school and being able to serve as a guide to them to complete this course. I believe that it is vital for both students and teachers to receive this training for them to be better informed of the decisions they make online.

My goals after this course is to introduce teachers to the C-Delta platform so they can be aware and become a future Digital Education Leader. I would also want to introduce them to different tools that I use and tools on the C-delta platform so that they can be incorporated in their sessions. I believe this is one of the issues some teachers are currently facing, as they are unaware of tools that can make their lessons more interactive and less burden on them.

Since I am in process of completed this training, I will continue to be more aware of my digital footprints and incorporate more interactive tools in my online lessons. I will also continue my research and collaborate with other teachers to find new ways of enhancing my online lessons and share what I have learnt to other teachers to promote improved digital learning in my school and other schools in my country.

I must say that as a young teacher, I find myself eager to learn more. I enjoy working with technology and enjoy learning and trying new ways of getting things done. I believe that this course has been beneficial not only to me, but to my school and the students I serve.