Evaluation of digital tool/resources

Evaluation of digital tool/resources

by Valentine Makin -
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Everyone does a task by sets of codes i.e. instructions. Therefore, it is vital that everyone should have a basic knowledge of what coding is. The resource I used is "Intro to Code". It is divided into 4 different lesson with a timeframe of 30 minutes to complete each lesson. Then after, an assessment will be given to test your knowledge about what you learned. I believe that in this technological era, we as teachers should equip ourselves with the basic of coding and its relevance to digital platform. It also will enhance our knowledge about the evolution of how coding evolved the technological field from our mobile phones to our laptops. 

Link: https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalskills/course/basics-code/module/169

Authority: The author(s) were not stated and their point of view is the 2nd person. 

Purpose: The source was created so that users are given opportunities to embrace how coding is relevant in our daily lives. The intended audience are mostly individual with a basic knowledge of programming. However, with an open mind, I believe this course can be suited for everyone. 

Publication and Format: No publication details and it was done through a g-mail platform electronical. 

Relevance: As an Information Technology teacher, I believe that everyone should take this course since it is an introduction to coding. It is important to know the connection of coding with our daily lives. Additionally, how we can go about programming our daily lives so that we can produce better outcome. 

Date of publication: No citation was included. They used a number of YouTube videos so share the content across.