Topic outline
Welcome to this short course on "Teaching in a Digital Age".
We recommend you to do the following, before taking the course:
- Create an account and log in to the course to take the test;
- Read the course introduction carefully;
- Watch the videos in each of the lessons (as many times as you want);
- Take a critical perspective for adopting online/blended learning;
- Apply your new learning to your own context;
- Wherever possible, discuss opportunities and challenges with colleagues;
- Practice the "Knowledge Check", as many times as possible;
- Take the final test, when you are ready;
- Download the certificate (appears as pop-up, and thus your browser should be pop-up enabled); and
- Please complete the "Course Completion Survey" to provide feedback.
Welcome to this lesson on emerging technologies for teaching and learning. The lesson mainly focuses serious games, AR/VR and Artificial Intelligence and their potential affordances, advantages, and disadvantages.
Objectives:Upon completion of this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
- Understand the significance of the constantly emerging new technologies in educational applications
- Explain the recent technological developments that helped to use series games and virtual reality
- Identify the different possible areas to apply artificial intelligence (AI) in education
- Recognize the potential of new technologies to influence teaching and learning in the digital age