The Role of the Instructor

When teaching online and blended courses instructors wear many hats. One of the first "hats" they wear is that of the course author, as they design and write content, prepare learning materials, design learning activities, etc. This is most likely the role that you are playing right now, as you have been tasked to design and develop a course. Course designers and authors play a role in the quality of learner suppport by including in their materials:

  • Clear guidance on where to begin the study and what do do next
  • Clear instructions for learners in regard to activities, group projects, etc.
  • Clear indication of how learners will be assessed
  • An engaging and conversational style of writing, guiding students through the content and the learning activities

Once the course is developed and it comes time to teach it, course authors may or may not be the instructors. If they are, they will have to change "hats" to become facilitators of learning, which encompasses the following roles:

  • Pedagogical - when wearing this hat instructors engage learners in stimulating discussion and sharing their experiences, pose probing questions, provide students with feedback on activities and assignments and guide them through the learning process.
  • Social - when wearing this hat instructors engage in inter-personal communication with learners, providing affective support aimed at keeping learners motivated.
  • Managerial - when wearing this hat instructors oversee projects and activities, grade assignments, structure group work, provide a course schedule and advise learners on time management and study skills.
  • Technical - When wearing this hat instructors guide in the use of the technology used in their course and direct them to available technical assistance as needed.
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Optional Reading Activity

If you are interested in reading more about the role of the instructor in online learning, this chapter from the "Online Tutoring e-Book" from Higginson and Cornelius offers effective strategies for consideration.

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By now you should have completely filled out the course blueprint for your course, so go ahead and submit for feedback at the Course-blueprint dropbox.