Bloom's Taxonomy
Benjamin Bloom was an American educational psychologist who organised learning objectives into a taxonomy of learning classified into three main domains, further classified into specific categories:
This framework informs and guides the writing of learning objectives and learning assessment.

Webquest Activity
As part of this small webquest activity you will be working in your groups to:
- write learning objectives for your course according to Bloom's Taxonomy
- recommend teaching approaches that can be used to attain each learning objective
- explain how the taxonomy guides assessment of learning
To get started, distribute the links below across the members of your group so that each member has at least a couple of sites to visit:
- Wikipedia's Bloom's Taxonomy
- Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains
- Teaching / Learning Bloom's Taxonomy
- Bloom's Taxonomy Overview
- Bloom's Taxonomy and Assessment
- Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
- A Model of Learning Objectives
- About Learning Objectives
- Writing Learning Objectives
- Guide to Writing Learning Outcomes
Each group makes notes about the key aspects of the taxonomy and how it guides the writing of effective learning objectives and the subsequent assessment strategy. You may use the LO Webquest Discussion to discuss your notes and reach agreement.
Each group writes one learning objective that can be used in one of the courses, puts forward two ideas for assessment of that objective and recommends at least two instructional strategies or teaching approaches that can be used to help students meet that objective.
Each group will post the learning objective, the ideas for assessment and the teaching approaches to the LO Webquest Discussion forum.