1. Excel®

Excel icon Excel® is a spreadsheet program that allows you to enter numbers or data into columns and rows.  Once the data is entered you can make calculations from simple mathematical equations to intricate data summaries. 

Excel® is complex and mastery of this software program often takes years of practice.  We will review some of the basic functions and the simplest calculations.  Teachers often use Excel® to keep track of grades, feedback and survey data.

To begin, click on Excel® and open a new workbook.  Similar to Microsoft Word ®, you open the workbook by going to the File section, selecting New and then Blank workbook.  The pages of the workbook are referred to as spreadsheets. 

We will work with a single spreadsheet. 

The spreadsheet contains a series of boxes called cells.  Each cell is a separate piece of data. 

Cells can be moved around and combined.