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Weeks 6, 7 and 8 - Module 5:
Creating Lessons in Your Course
Creating Lessons in Your Course
link to open resource.
◄ Adding a Glossary to Your Course
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Course Chat Room
How This Course Works...
Student Assessment
Your Learner Profile
DTOC Course Schedule
Welcome and Introductions
Course Q&A
Moodle How To: Tips and Questions
Cool Tools
Social Cafe
Creating a Course Blueprint
Quality Framework and Learning Theory
Best Practices and Quality Framework
Quality Checklist
Planning for Alignment and Engagement
LO Webquest Discussion
Learning Activities Discussion
Assessment Discussion
Course Structure: Content and Resources
Create a Course Plan
OER Discussion
Getting Started with Moodle
Editing Your Profile
Adjusting Course Settings
Getting Oriented with Moodle
How to organise course content in Moodle
Understanding resources and activities in Moodle
Adding resources and activities
Creating vs. Adapting Course Content
Create Course Content
Content Development
Using the Moodle Editor
Adding a Label to Your Course
Adding a Page to Your Course
Adding Files and Links to Your Course
Adding a Glossary to Your Course
Adding Question Pages to Lessons
Adding Question Clusters to Lessons
Embed a Video into Your Course
Adding a Book Into Your Course
Assessment, Quizzes and Gradebook
Question types in Moodle
Creating Questions in Moodle
Creating a Quiz in Moodle
Adding Questions to a Quiz
Categories for Questions
Creating a Question Bank
Exploring the Gradebook in Moodle
Gradebook features
Gradebook Views
Engagement Activities
Create a Discussion Question
Create a Rubric
Different Assignment Types in Moodle
Types of Discussion Forums
Creating Discussion Forums
Adding Simple Forums to Your Course
Sending Messages in Moodle
Creating Groups in Moodle
Groupings in Moodle
Create and Manage Groups
Grading Group Work
Using Rubrics in Moodle
Rubrics for Grading
Strategies for Teaching Your Course
Sharing Online Learning Experiences
Create an Orientation Module
Adding Question Pages to Lessons ►
Week 1 - Module 1:
Week 2 - Module 2:
Week 3 - Module 3:
Weeks 4 and 5 - Module 4:
Weeks 6, 7 and 8 - Module 5:
Week 9 - Module 6:
Data retention summary
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