Scenario discussion

Scenario discussion

by Emiliano Sosa -
Number of replies: 0

Donna's Case

I believe Donna had a clear vision when it comes to the future of their students. They are all aware of their digital needs and as they say digital lies at the heart of everything they do. I see more strengths and opportunities in Donna’s case. Her students are well focus on improving their jobs and digital skills. She speaks about bringing together all those stakeholders and the use of technology that can assist in digital learning so to empower students.

Of course my management will support this case for change. It is true that we have limited resources as a rural school but that doesn’t stop us from exploring ways and using what we are already learning to improve the lives and education of our students.

Our students are aware of the changes and already know that this is the way forward. There are of course challenges but they embrace the use of technology and using digital environment to learn.

In this case all of us are affected directly or indirectly by the changes. Teachers have to learn to use technology and have to learn to become a digital leader. Students have to embrace the changes and learn from the teachers how to accommodate themselves to the changes.

The impact of this vision is huge. Everyone involve in this change will have to do their part. Schools will become more technological and lecturers will eventually become digital leaders. The entire education system will change in the future for the benefit of all.