Change Scenario

Change Scenario

by Olivia Bardalez -
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To me, Mike's scenario speaks to us about the present. I believe his scenario is what the majority of us are living in at this point. At this point in time, I think Mike hit the nail on the head. This is partially how a feel about technology in my school. I think that my Admin would definitely support this change. It is very convenient for parents, teachers, and students. It will help the students becoming more independent and are able to make better choices when it comes to moving up the education ladder. Once they have learned that technology can be used to their advantage, then they will make better choices in learning and not use technology as a toy. I am sure my students would support this change. The students tend to always do well when it comes to computer classes, they are savvy with the computer. Once they are taught how to research, how to become educated right from home, and how to earn online, I am more than sure students will adapt quickly without turning back. For sure the teachers and students will be directly affected by this change. I think the parents will be indirectly affected, they might end up furthering their education and also making money online. This accomplishment may help to increase our enrollment, also we might manage to attach help from the Government, business owners, and parents. Teachers will become more savvy and therefore be able to help their children more.