Communication in this course takes place through online discussion forums.

There are two types of forums:

  1. general forums that run throughout the facilitation of the course
  2. forums that relate to a specific learning outcome and are open for a limited time to discuss a very specific topic during a week.

General communication forums

  • News and update forum. In this forum the facilitator makes announcements related to the course. You can only read the information. If you want to comment on the announcement you use the question and answer forum (Q&A forum)
  • Question and Answer (Q&A) forum. This is a general forum for all to ask general questions and provide answers to questions from other participants. The questions, answers, help and clarifications must ALL be course content related,
  • Social forum. This forum is open for all participants to socialize, to discuss NON-course related issues. To get to know each other better and to build your professional network
  • Messaging. This is a private communication tool between you your facilitator and/or other participants. How to use messaging will be covered in more detail in section 6 on messaging.

E-mail. This is another option for private communication. Using your own e-mail or the one on the Moodle platform. Click the e-mail block on the main page.

The links to the general forums and the chat room are located at the top of the page AND in the Activities Block located at the top left hand margin of the main course page.

Make it a habit to check the forums, the chat room and messages very regularly - if possible daily (as you might do with your email account).

Last modified: Sunday, 14 September 2014, 9:26 AM