Topic outline
A very warm welcome to Facilitating Using PowerPoint. We're excited to be working with you in the coming weeks. This course is about using PowerPoint to enhance teaching and learning. It aims to help you create engaging and effective presentations for use in your teaching.
To get started, you need to become familiar with the moodle environment. The course introduction will help you get familiar with it. Click on the 'course introduction' link below.
Course Introduction: Let's Get StartedHave you edited your profile and introduced yourself in the social forum? You will use the social forum to interact socially and network during the the course. Drop in often!
The course space has a forum for course news and a forum to get help.
Course News and Announcements Forum for messages from your facilitator
Q & A Forum for help with the courseHave you completed all the tasks assigned in this introductory section? Before you move on to the week one tasks, take a look at the activity checklist to make sure you haven't missed anything.
When you have completed this section you will be able to use a range of MS PowerPoint 2010/2013 technical features. Following web tutorials, you will refresh, upgrade or acquire basic MS PowerPoint skills. As evidence you will submit a set of PowerPoint slides covering the performace criteria and first learning outcomes listed in the course outline.Now let's skill build.....
Topic Two: Let's Get Started Topic Two: Activity Checklist